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Reference Manual (API Version 1.9)[phrase or code]
   "keyword" : "architect",
   "start" : 1,
   "end" : 20,
   "total" : 56,
   "link" : [
         "href" : "",
         "rel" : "next"
   "career" : [
         "href" : "",
         "code" : "17-1011.00",
         "title" : "Architects",
         "tags" : {
            "bright_outlook" : true,
            "green" : false,
            "apprenticeship" : false
         "military_jobs" : {
            "air_force" : true,
            "army" : false,
            "coast_guard" : false,
            "marine_corps" : false,
            "navy" : false
         "href" : "",
         "code" : "25-1031.00",
         "title" : "Architecture Teachers, Postsecondary",
         "tags" : {
            "bright_outlook" : false,
            "green" : false,
            "apprenticeship" : false
         "military_jobs" : {
            "air_force" : true,
            "army" : false,
            "coast_guard" : false,
            "marine_corps" : false,
            "navy" : true

This response searches for My Next Move for Veterans careers using a word, phrase, or title. The closest matches are returned first; up to 20 results are returned.

If the service is called with a full or partial O*NET-SOC code, matching results are returned sorted by code. If the given code is only found in a previous O*NET-SOC taxonomy, relevant occupations are returned from the current taxonomy.

If more than 20 matches are found, the list will be paged; for information on navigating paged results, see the description of the See all careers service.

For information on a career's related military jobs, as shown in the "Where in the military?" popup at My Next Move for Veterans, see the In the military service.

To learn more about the keyword search, see the following technical report:

In this section