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Reference Manual (API Version 1.9)

Careers sorted by Job Preparation

Job Zone listing
   "job_zone" : [
         "value" : 1,
         "href" : "",
         "title" : "Zona de trabajo uno: Poca o ninguna preparación necesaria",
         "experience" : "Se necesita poca o nada de habilidad, ni conocimiento o experiencia laboral para estas carreras. Por ejemplo, una persona puede convertirse en mesero o mesera aunque él o ella nunca haya trabajado antes.",
         "education" : "Algunas de estas carreras pueden necesitar un diploma de «high school» o certificado de equivalencia GED.",
         "job_training" : "Los empleados en estas carreras necesitan desde unos días a unos meses de capacitación. Por lo general, un trabajador con experiencia puede mostrarle cómo hacer el trabajo."

This response lists each of the five Job Zones, which are groups of careers that need the same level of experience, education, and training. The href parameter indicates the URL of a specific job preparation resource. Each job preparation resource lists matching careers, as described below.

Careers in Job Zone[Job Zone]
   "sort" : "name",
   "start" : 1,
   "end" : 20,
   "total" : 293,
   "link" : [
         "href" : "",
         "rel" : "next"
   "career" : [
         "href" : "",
         "code" : "39-3031.00",
         "title" : "Acomodadores y Controladores de Boletos de Admisión",
         "tags" : {
            "bright_outlook" : false,
            "green" : false,
            "apprenticeship" : false
         "href" : "",
         "code" : "27-2011.00",
         "title" : "Actores",
         "tags" : {
            "bright_outlook" : false,
            "green" : false,
            "apprenticeship" : true

This response lists careers which need similar amounts of preparation, as indicated by the Job Zone. By default, the list is sorted by career title. You can change this by passing a sort parameter in the query string:

  • name - sort by career title (default)
  • bright_outlook - return Bright Outlook careers first
  • apprenticeship - return careers with Registered Apprenticeships first

By default, up to 20 matching careers are returned. For information on navigating paged results, see the description of the See all careers service.

In this section