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Reference Manual (API Version 1.9)

Skills[O*NET-SOC Code]/skills
   "code" : "17-2051.00",
   "group" : [
         "title" : {
            "id" : "2.A",
            "name" : "Aptitudes básicas"
         "element" : [
               "id" : "2.A.1.b",
               "name" : "escuchar a los demás, no interrumpir y hacer buenas preguntas"
               "id" : "2.A.1.a",
               "name" : "lectura de la información relacionada con el trabajo"
         "title" : {
            "id" : "2.B.2",
            "name" : "Solución de problemas"
         "element" : [
               "id" : "2.B.2.i",
               "name" : "darse cuenta de un problema y averiguar la mejor manera de resolverlo"

This response returns the key skills for a career. For careers with skills data collected by the O*NET program, one or more group elements will be returned.

Each group element contains exactly one title child, which is shown in colored bold text in Mi Próximo Paso. The id attribute indicates the corresponding element ID within the O*NET Content Model. Subsequent element children are shown as list items within Mi Próximo Paso, and also contain an id attribute indicating the corresponding Content Model element.

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