Reference Manual
Browse STEM occupations
Occupation types
"occupation_type" : [
"href" : "",
"code" : 4,
"title" : "Managerial"
"href" : "",
"code" : 3,
"title" : "Postsecondary Teaching"
<occupation_type href="">
<occupation_type href="">
<title>Postsecondary Teaching</title>
This response lists STEM occupation types. Each occupation type contains a number of occupations that require education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. The href attribute on each cluster links to a listing of all occupations in that occupation type.
STEM occupation types and occupation linkages come from the Standard Occupational Classification
Attachment C: Detailed 2018 SOC occupations included in STEM.
Occupations in type
"occupation_type" : "1",
"sort" : "family",
"start" : 1,
"end" : 20,
"total" : 187,
"link" : [
"href" : "",
"rel" : "next"
"occupation" : [
"href" : "",
"code" : "17-2011.00",
"title" : "Aerospace Engineers",
"tags" : {
"bright_outlook" : true,
"green" : false
"stem_occupation_type" : {
"code" : 1,
"name" : "Research, Development, Design, and Practitioners"
"job_family" : {
"code" : "17-0000",
"name" : "Architecture and Engineering"
"href" : "",
"code" : "17-2021.00",
"title" : "Agricultural Engineers",
"tags" : {
"bright_outlook" : true,
"green" : false
"stem_occupation_type" : {
"code" : 1,
"name" : "Research, Development, Design, and Practitioners"
"job_family" : {
"code" : "17-0000",
"name" : "Architecture and Engineering"
<link href="" rel="next" />
<occupation href="">
<title>Aerospace Engineers</title>
<tags bright_outlook="true" green="false" />
<stem_occupation_type code="1">Research, Development, Design, and Practitioners</stem_occupation_type>
<job_family code="17-0000">Architecture and Engineering</job_family>
<occupation href="">
<title>Agricultural Engineers</title>
<tags bright_outlook="true" green="false" />
<stem_occupation_type code="1">Research, Development, Design, and Practitioners</stem_occupation_type>
<job_family code="17-0000">Architecture and Engineering</job_family>
This response lists all occupations grouped into the requested STEM occupation type. Instead of an occupation type code, developers may pass the value all to retrieve all STEM occupations. The stem_occupation_type element indicates each result's occupation type.
Each result also includes a job_family element. O*NET OnLine uses Job Families to organize occupations within the larger occupation types.
By default, returned occupations are sorted by Job Family and then by occupation title. When the value all is used, occupations are sorted by title. You can change this by passing the optional sort parameter:
- family - sort by Job Family (default)
- name - sort by occupation title (default when listing all occcupations)
- code - sort by O*NET-SOC code
The result list is paged, returning 20 occupations at a time by default. To navigate the full set of results, use the link rel="next" and link rel="prev" elements, or provide start and end parameters to jump directly to the desired results.