Reference Manual
Browse careers by industry
Industry listing
"industry" : [
"href" : "",
"code" : 56,
"title" : "Administration & Support Services"
"href" : "",
"code" : 71,
"title" : "Arts & Entertainment"
<industry href="">
<title>Administration & Support Services</title>
<industry href="">
<title>Arts & Entertainment</title>
This response lists each of the industries available to browse. The code element corresponds to a two-digit NAICS
code. The href parameter indicates the URL of the specific industry resource. Each industry resource lists related careers, as described below.
Careers in industry
"category" : "all",
"sort" : "category",
"start" : 1,
"end" : 20,
"total" : 66,
"link" : [
"href" : "",
"rel" : "next"
"career" : [
"href" : "",
"percent_employed" : 96,
"category" : "Most",
"code" : "53-1041.00",
"title" : "Aircraft Cargo Handling Supervisors",
"tags" : {
"bright_outlook" : true,
"green" : false,
"apprenticeship" : false
"military_jobs" : {
"air_force" : true,
"army" : true,
"coast_guard" : true,
"marine_corps" : true,
"navy" : true
"href" : "",
"percent_employed" : 61,
"category" : "Most",
"code" : "49-3011.00",
"title" : "Aircraft Mechanics & Service Technicians",
"tags" : {
"bright_outlook" : false,
"green" : false,
"apprenticeship" : true
"military_jobs" : {
"air_force" : true,
"army" : true,
"coast_guard" : true,
"marine_corps" : true,
"navy" : true
<link href="" rel="next" />
<career href="" percent_employed="96" category="Most">
<title>Aircraft Cargo Handling Supervisors</title>
<tags bright_outlook="true" green="false" apprenticeship="false" />
<military_jobs air_force="true" army="true" coast_guard="true" marine_corps="true" navy="true" />
<career href="" percent_employed="61" category="Most">
<title>Aircraft Mechanics & Service Technicians</title>
<tags bright_outlook="false" green="false" apprenticeship="true" />
<military_jobs air_force="true" army="true" coast_guard="true" marine_corps="true" navy="true" />
This response lists careers where at least 10% of workers are employed in the selected industry. You can filter this list by passing a category parameter in the query string:
- all - include all categories (default)
- Most - most people (over 50%) in these careers work in this industry
- Some - some people (between 10% and 50%) in these careers work in this industry
By default, the list is sorted by category and then by career title. You can change this by passing a sort parameter in the query string:
- category - sort by category (default)
- name - sort by career title
- bright_outlook - return Bright Outlook careers first
- apprenticeship - return careers with Registered Apprenticeships first
- percent_employed - sort by percentage of workers employed in the industry
By default, up to 20 matching careers are returned. For information on navigating paged results, see the description of the See all careers service.
For details about each returned career's industry employment, as shown in the "Where do they work?" popup at My Next Move for Veterans, see the Where do they work? service.